Discuss the Mozilla Mission over a cup of Coffee.

A small scale informal meetup of Mozillians about recent activities and upcoming projects of a community as well as get ideas and feedback from the general public.

Create an event
Discuss over coffee


Conduct meetups to discuss updates & reports on activities and upcoming community projects

Discuss over coffee


Discuss over coffee or tea at your local coffee shop or restaurant. Try avoiding organising event too far from your location

Grab Cool Swag

Grab Cool Swag

You may file appropriate Swag Request if needed. Have fun and be creative with events like these

How to Organize

  • Inform in community mailing list about MozCoffee/MozCafe.
  • Create poll and let vote the date by members of the community.
  • Find location which is easy to access via walking/public transport, probably center of city/ nearby location of few community members.
  • Finalize the planning, close poll by majority votes, confirm location with owner.
  • Check location for MozCoffee.
  • Create event in our Event System.
  • Publish event detail in mailing list/IRC/Social Media Communication - Facebook,Twitter, etc.
  • Add a bit of decoration before event if the owner is OK.
  • Have a great MozCoffee starting by welcoming all attendees.
Organizing MozCoffee

Agenda & Speakers

  • Welcome speech
  • Updates from various Mozilla sources
  • Short demo of a recent technology (WebGL, new CSS or HTML implementations, etc.)
  • Let the talk start
  • Roughly plan a date for next MozCoffee
  • Wrap-up speech
Organizing MozCoffee

During the event

Arrive at the event venue at least an hour before. Make sure that you have enough space allocated for you by the venue. Inform them with the basics of the event (everyone loves Mozilla!). Welcome everyone as they come, and make sure that everyone knows each other. Start with some latest news on mozilla and gradually identify the interests of the group and shift focus on those. Take notes! If you do not know the answer on something, write it down and follow up via email. Keep it fun! After all it is a coffee out with friends :) Pro tip: Treat the venue staff with some swag! They will reward you :)

Organizing MozCoffee

Budget & Swag request

File the appropriate Budget Request if needed (to cover first round of coffees). You may also file the appropriate Swag Request if needed. Keep in mind that for such a small event it is advised to plan ahead and request swag for multiple events.

Organizing MozCoffee

Read more about the past events

  • MozCoffee event

    First Y4IT Cebu Congress & MozCoffee Cebu II

  • MozCoffee event

    MozCoffee in Dhaka-2015 @ AUST

  • MozCoffee event

    MozCoffee in Dhaka-2015 @ AUST

  • MozCoffee event

    First Y4IT Cebu Congress & MozCoffee Cebu II

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